The lesson discusses what is the drone technology?
Includes the task for group discussion: designing a solution for one of the scenarios, using a drone technology. Contains 9 slides.
The lesson on Cyber Terrorism investigates:
a) What is Cyberterrorism?
b) How does the Cyber Attack happen and what it usually involves?
c) What are the most famous Cyber Attacks and how they are punished?
The lesson ends with the Class Discussion debating 2 questions (can be done in 2 groups):
1) Significance and Damage of Cyber Attacks.
2) Cyber Attacks vs. Conventional Attacks.
It contains 23 slides.
The lesson discusses the origin of a Cyber Monday. It focuses on the critical understanding of consumer society and the development of critical thinking.
The lesson is recommended for the secondary classes, it contains 18 slides.
The ICT lesson On the Right to Be Forgotten. Do we or don't we have the right to be erased from the Internet?
Includes the task for group work (preparing arguments for/against the right to be forgotten).
The lesson contains 12 slides.
On Robots: Will Machines Rule the World?
The lesson investigates the development of robotics and artificial intelligence. It also includes the plenary class discussion about the future of AI.
The lesson discusses how music have changed due to various digital computer technologies (for example, auto-tuning of voice to make music sound better, anyone can be an artist and make records at home, everyone can access music online, etc.).
The lesson also includes the home assignment: CREATE YOUR BAND’S FIRST ALBUM COVER or VIDEO! Students are asked to design the Album Cover or Make a Video Clip of their favorite music band:
1) Design the album cover or make a video clip of your favorite music band.
2) Create your own band and design your own visual representation (band logo, album cover or video).
The lesson contains 17 slides.
The lesson discusses the arguments for and against having the Internet Police. It investigates the use of Internet Police for:
1. DNA Profiling;
2. Electronic Tracking;
3. CCTV & Privacy.
It asks what ethical issues can arise from such police. The lesson contains 17 slides.
The lesson consists of II parts:
I. You Fail at Powerpoint: 5 Shocking Design Mistakes You Need to Avoid (pdf&pptx_60 slides)
II. You Rock at PowerPoint: Tips and Trick for Making Great Presentations (will be uploaded later).